These are English titles of publications by Mikhail Matovnikov. Full list in Russian contains more then 100 titles. Most recent articles mostly are not translated.

English titles


Authors and titles

15 Matovnikov M. - International Accounting Standards for Russian banks. //Russian Focus, December 3-9, 2001.
14 Dmitriev M., Matovnikov M., Mikhailov L., Sycheva L., Timofeyev E. - The Banking Sector. /Russia's Post-Communist Economy, eds. Granville B., Oppenheimer P. - Oxford University Press, 2001.
13 Matovnikov M. - "Liquidity flows in with oil for financial institutions" //The Russia Journal, Vol.4, No. 14 (107), APRIL 13 - 19, 2001
12 Matovnikov M. - "Russian Banking: High Potential, Even Higher Risks" //Report prepared for Russian Banking Forum 2000, London, 7th - 8th December, 2000.
11 Matovnikov M., Mikhailov L., Sycheva L., Timofeev E. - Banking Crisis Development in the Second Half-Year of 1998. /Russian Economy in 1998:Trends and Perspectives (Issue 20) - Moscow, March 1999
10 Matovnikov M., Mikhailov L., Sycheva L., Timofeev E. - Relationship "Bank- Client" in the eyes of industrial enterprise in November 1998. /Russian Economy: Trends And Perspectives, Monthly Bulletin - Moscow January 1999
9 Matovnikov M., Mikhailov L., Sycheva L., Timofeev E. - Dynamics of the Russian banks’ foreign assets and liabilities in the period of crisis. /Russian Economy: Trends And Perspectives, Monthly Bulletin - Moscow, February 1999
8 Matovnikov M., Mikhailov L., Sycheva L., Timofeev E. - "Non- Performing" Assets Of The Russian Banks". /Russian Economy: Trends And Perspectives, Monthly Bulletin - Moscow, May 1999
7 Matovnikov M., Mikhailov L., Sycheva L., Timofeev E. - "Non-Performing Bank Assets and Lack of Reserves". /Russian Economy: Trends And Perspectives, Monthly Bulletin - Moscow, June 1999
6 Matovnikov M., Mikhailov L., Sycheva L., Timofeev E. - "Dynamics of foreign assets and liabilities of the Russian banks in the first half 1999" /Russian Economy: Trends And Perspectives, Monthly Bulletin - Moscow, August 1999
5 Matovnikov M., Mikhailov L., Sycheva L., Timofeev E. - "Compulsory reserves of commercial banks in the first half 1999". /Russian Economy: Trends And Perspectives, Monthly Bulletin - Moscow, September 1999
4 Matovnikov M., Mikhailov L., Sycheva L., Timofeev E. - "The thorny path of the system of insuring private persons' deposits at the Russian banks". /Russian Economy: Trends And Perspectives, Monthly Bulletin - Moscow, October 1999
3 Matovnikov M., Mikhailov L., Sycheva L., Timofeev E. - "Assets Rehabilitation in the Framework of Measures towards Overcoming the Banking Crisis" /Russian Economy: Trends And Perspectives, Monthly Bulletin - Moscow, November 1999
2 Matovnikov M., Mikhailov L., Sycheva L., Timofeev E.- "The Role of Sberbank in Compensating Depositors' Losses in 1998 through 1999". /Russian Economy: Trends And Perspectives, Monthly Bulletin - Moscow, December 1999
1 M. Dmitriyev, M. Matovnikov, L. Mikhailov, L. Sycheva - "Russian Stabilization Policy and the Banking Sector, as Reflected in the Portfolios of Moscow Banks in 1995-97"(MS Word)". //Review of Economies in Transition, Bank of Finland, №7, 1998 (30.12.98).

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Предвестники кризиса
Правда о Вашем банке


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